Aljomar Iberico Pork Tongue with vegetable purée

Published : 08/07/2024 11:22:31
Categories : Recipe Aljomar


  • 8 Aljomar iberico pork tongues
  • 1.5 L beef broth
  • 1.5 L water
  • 2 onions cut in strips
  • 4 garlic cloves
  • 4 carrots, sliced
  • 2 green onions, sliced
  • A dash of olive oil
  • 400 g. red wine
  • Egg, flour, and oil to dredge meat



Drizzle a bit of oil in a hot pan. Sear cheeks on all sides. Set aside. Add vegetables to the pan and cook on low heat. When cooked, add the wine and boil until it evaporates.

Put meat back in the pan. Add broth and water to cover.

Cook on low heat, until cheeks are tender (check for doneness with a fork). They will need about 2 hours, or 50 minutes in a pressure cooker.

Once cooked and tender, remove the tongues. Let cool and peel away the skin.

Reserve sauce.

Slice the meat and dredge pieces in egg and flour.

Fry them in deep oil. When done, put each piece on absorbent paper to eliminate excess oil.

Purée the vegetable sauce and pass through a fine sieve. Submerge the pieces in the sauce.

Check the salt and adjust to taste.

Allow to rest before serving.

Serve with mixed greens, carrots, green beans, tomatoes, etc.

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